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Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Early drop off is available; please ask us for details.
It is important that the children arrive before 9 a.m. circle time begins.
Afternoon pickup is at or before 5:30 p.m. Parents will be charged $5 for every minute after 5:30 pm if the child is picked up late.

2024-2025 Monthly Tuition
These monthly fees are effective on February 1, 2024.
2 month notice is required for change in days attended per week
Infant* (0-15 Months)*Accepting only Full-time Infants at this time.
5 Days $2990
Toddler + Preschool (15 months and older)
5 Days $2715
4 Days $2200
3 Days $1670
*Accepting only full-time Infants at this time.
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